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Q: Can you give me statistics on the “average” mormon woman (age, race, marital status, employment, number of children, etc)?

A: The best data I know of on this question come from a study by Heaton, Goodman, and Holman that was originally published in 1994 and republished in 2001 looking at the characteristics of Mormon families.  Their study analyzes data from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH). Newer data from the NSFH is available, but has yet to be analyzed on this question (as far as I know).  Here is the data on the variables you asked about:

Mormon women non-Mormon women
age 44.8 45.2
race (% white, non-Hispanic) 94.3 79.8
employment (% gainfully employed) 54.6 55.0
mean income $6,263 $7,905
mean years of education (12 is a high school degree; any more indicates years of college) 13.0 12.6
number of children 2.96 2.04
ideal number of children 4.61 2.78
% in metropolitan area 49.7 69.8
% in West 44.8 45.2
% currently married 63.4 53.8
% ever divorced 28.1 27.8
mean age at marriage 21.0 21.3
% who have cohabited 7.9 15.7
mean frequency of sexual intercourse (in the last month) 8.0 7.2
mean hours spent in household tasks per week (washing laundry, cooking, etc.) 57.4 44.9

Here is the actual reference for the data if you’d like to look it up and see all of the other information they include:  Heaton, Tim B.; Goodman, Kristen L., and Holman, Thomas B. In Search of a Peculiar People: Are Mormon Families Really Different? Cornwall, Marie; Heaton, Tim B., and Young, Lawrence A., Editors. Contemporary Mormonism: Social Science Perspectives. 2nd ed. Illinois : University of Illinois Press; 2001; pp. 87-117.

Another book published by members of the MSSA on this topic is:
Heaton, Tim B.; Bahr, Stephen J., and Jacobson, Cardell K. A Statistical Profile of Mormons: Health, Wealth, and Social Life. New York: Edwin Mellen Press; 2005.

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