Site icon Mormon Social Science Association

Call for Papers | MSSA Annual Conference 2019 | October 25-27 | Hyatt Regency at the Arch | Saint Louis, Missouri

The Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) invites proposals for individual papers, panels or author meets critics sessions for the 2019 annual conference, held con­jointly with the meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association (SSSR/RRA). We invite contributions on all topics relevant to the social scientific study of Mormonism, with special interest in those featuring multiculturalism, gender/sexuality, post-colonialism, and questions of disaffiliation/retention. Proposals should include a paper/panel title, a 250-word abstract, and the names, contact infor­mation, and institutional affiliation of all participants.

Submissions Open: January 25, 2019
Submissions Close: March 20, 2019
Decision Notification: April 30, 2018

Please submit proposals to Gordon Shepherd at:

2019 MSSA KEYNOTE ADDRESS | We are delighted to announce that Dr. Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor at the John C. Danforth Center for Religion and Politics, will deliver the 2019 Vernon Lecture at the upcoming Annual Meeting in Saint Louis. 

As an interdisciplinary and international association, the MSSA promotes the social scientific study of study of Mormon­ism and facil­itates communication and collaboration among re­searchers, edu­cators and students. Membership is open to all. We sponsor scholarly conferences, publi­ca­tions, panel discussions, paper sessions, and the biennial Glenn M. Vernon Lecture. Join us today. #MormonStudies

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